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Why Sports?
Sports and physical education are fundamental to the early development of the youth. The skills they learn during play and sports contribute to the holistic development of young people. Through participation in sport and physical education, young people learn about the importance of key values such as:
  • Adherence to Rules
  • Fair Play
  • Honesty
  • Respect for Themselves and Others
  • Teamwork
Additionally, it creates a forum for the youth to learn how to deal with competition and how to cope with winning and losing. These learning aspects highlight the importance of physical education and sports on a child’s social and moral development in addition to physical skills and abilities. This is what Krüger Sports Camps hope to provide for your children.



''Our 2 sons love every second of the Sports Camps. They have improved their football skills, and learnt how to play cricket and rugby under the expert tutelage of Hermann and his coaches. Hermann is a wonderful teacher, instilling in his pupils a sense of fair play and showing them how to be part of a team. The boys are so sad when they have to miss a session''

- The Canonoca Family

''The kids can't get to sports camp quick enough in the morning, loads of new skills to learn and practice and little games to play in small groups so no one is left out. I know they have the best time too.''

- The Barnet Family

'We've been coming to football for three years with our son. The Saturday morning plan of football and his mates is something he looks forward to all week. Herman, Richard and the gang hit the perfect balance of support, encouragement and giving the kids a chance to shine. Our daughter has just started too, having patiently waiting for the chance for three years.''

- The de Sentanyana Family

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